Sunday 17 April 2011

Day 1

Before I start my blog, I should give you, my readers, some background information on why I have decided to take this trip. To sum up, I want to immerse myself in a completely foreign culture and fully experience the Hindu religion that I admire.

A long 15 hour flight later, I finally arrived at Delhi airport. Instantly I was struck by the thick smog and humidity. From there I cabbed to my modest flat on Pedder Road, right in the heart of Mumbai. Eager to hit the shops, I dropped my suitcase and set out for the streets. I was drawn to a sari shop, where I purchased a beautiful emerald green one, and a more casual violet one for the days. This will be my uniform for the next month. On my walk home I spotted a beautiful Vishnu idol which I purchased as well. He is preserver of the universe, a loving and forgiving figure who brings salvation. I think about Vishnu when I meditate, as he speaks to me, especially on this trip of spiritual salvation. I’ll get back to you with more real news soon. Goodnight from Mumbai 

 My new friends at the sari shop


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