Sunday 17 April 2011

Leaving for Varanasi

Today I leave for the City of Varanasi, located along the west bank of the holy Ganges River. Hindus believe the river fell from heaven to earth when region was in need of water. Bathing in the river is the first thing I will do when I arrive as this is believed to cleanse pilgrims of their sins. Varanasi is the home of God Shiva. What is most special about the city is the belief that every step of it is marked by a linga – a symbol that represents the energy of Shiva. I will walk around the great linga, which is about 40 km long. Abdul- Azeez says this will take us approximately 5 days to complete the holy right. I’m bringing my camera so I can take picture of the beautiful place. I’ll post them when I return.

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